
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Create you own Virtual Machine

We already know about the benefits of virtual machine. So in this post we will learn to setup our own virtual machine. A virtual machine is a must need for a Hacker to test his tricks, applications and software. This is because during testing sessions none of them are stable so it is obvious that the software or application may contain serious bugs which can damage the OS of the original physical machine and in turn resulting in loss of valuable data.
So let’s setup our own virtual machine….
First we need to download VMware Workstation. You can get this at
After downloading, install it in your pc.
Now let’s start building our machine…
  1. Double click on the VMware icon on your desktop to start VMware.

2.  Click on create new virtual machine to start the wizard.

3.   A dialogue box appears where typical installation is selected by default. Select the method you want to use for configuring your Virtual Machine.
If you select Typical, the wizard prompts you to accept defaults for the following choices:
  • The guest operating system
  • The virtual machine name and location of the virtual machine’s files.
  • The network connection type.
  • Whether to allocate all the space for a virtual disk at time you create it.
  • Whether to split a virtual disk into 2GB files.
If you select Custom, you can also specify how to set up your disk—create a new virtual disk or use an existing virtual disk or physical disk—and specify the settings needed for the type of disk you select.
4.   On clicking Next you will see the screen to select the guest operating system. This screen asks which OS you plan to install in the virtual machine. Select both an operating system and a version. The New Virtual Machine Wizard uses this information to
  • Select appropriate default values, such s the amount of memory needed.
  • Name files associated with the virtual machine.
  • Adjust settings for optimal performance
  • Work around special behaviours and bugs within a guest OS.
If the OS you plan to use is not listed, select Other for both guest OS and version.
Caution: Do not attempt to install 64-Bit OS after selecting a 32-Bit guest OS type here. The remaining steps as assume u plan to install Windows XP professional guest OS. You can find detailed installation notes for this and for other guest OS in the VMware Guest Operating System Installation
Guide, available from the VMware website or the Help menu.
5.   Select a name and folder for a virtual machine. The name specified here is used if you add this virtual machine to the VMware workstation Favorites list. The name is also used as the name of the folder where files are associated with this virtual machine are stored.
Each virtual machine should have its own folder. All associated files, such as the configuration file and the disk file, are placed in this folder.
Windows Hosts:  On Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7 and Windows 8, the default folder location is C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Virtual Machine\Windows <version>.
Linux Hosts: The default location is <homedir>/vmware/Win<version>, where <homedir> is the home directory for the user who currently logged on.
Virtual Machine performance may be slower if your virtual hard disk is on a network drive. For best performances, be sure the virtual machine’s folder is on a local drive. However, if other users need to access this virtual machine, you should consider placing the virtual machine files in a location that is accessible to them.
6.   After clicking Next you will be taken to another dialogue box. In this step you will assign the amount of Virtual hard disk space that your virtual machine will have.
7.    In the next step you will be be taken to the final screen of the wizard. Here on Clicking Customize Hardware, you will get more hardware configuration settings of your virtual machine. Here you can also assign the amount of RAM, number of processors etc for your virtual machine.
8.    Now click Finish. Hurrahhh..!!! you have now successfully created your virtual machine. Now you just have to install the OS as you do in your physical machine.
So,  friends we learnt how to create our own virtual machine. In future we will try to apply all our tricks and experiments on virtual machines as far as possible to avoid corrupting the physical machine.
Meet you all in the next post…
Till then… Good Bye….

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